Took my daughter and her friend to another
Swap-o-Rama-Rama yesterday, this time just for kids' clothes, at the Re-Discover Center in West LA/Culver City. The idea was the same as
the last time: bring a sack of clean decent clothes to donate, then pick through the sorted donations for some garments to take as-is, or alter at the various DIY stations in the swap space. Because this one was kids' clothes, the garments were sorted by size. The girls had a grand time putting together outfits and modeling for each other, giggling and posing. But they also took advantage of the
alteration stations and the kind wise women who were available to
share a skill or a tool.
Me, I did some handstitching, to
reverse-applique a t-shirt, and to make myself a yo-yo headband from scraps of a tie-dyed shirt: